Otterpool Park 2023

April 2023

A special meeting of the Planning and Licensing Committee was held on Tuesday, 4th April 2023 regarding the Outline Planning Application for Otterpool Park (Y19/0257/FH)

The outline application was submitted by Otterpool Park LLP – a delivery vehicle established by the council. The committee resolved to grant planning permission  subject to planning conditions and the completion of satisfactory s106 agreement(s).

The Otterpool Park Committee Documents April 2023 documents relating to the Committee Meeting are available to view 

They are:

  • Y19-0257-FH Committee Report Final 04.03.2023
  • Appendix A Draft Planning Conditions
  • Appendix B Draft Heads of Terms
  • Appendix C Site and Surroundings
  • Appendix D Otterpool Framework Masterplan Area
  • Appendix E Plan of Heritage Assets

21 February 2023

The Local Planning Authority consider the outline planning application at the Planning Committee on 4 April 2023 at 7pm.

Outline application, with all matters reserved for a comprehensive residential led mixed development. – Otterpool Park New Garden Town (Y19/0257/FH)

The information regarding the Committee Meeting, and a copy of the report can be found on the documents issued for the meeting.

If you require any further information please contact Otterpool Park Applications by email.

February 2023

The Local Planning Authority received further amendments in relation to the Outline Planning Application on Tuesday 14 February 2023.  This included further information and other information in relation to the Existing Environmental Statement.

The statutory consultation on the outline planning application ran between Wednesday 15 February 2023 to Thursday 16 March 2023 at 4.00pm.

All documents relevant to the further amendments including further information and other information (February 2023 documents)

The application reference number is: Y19/0257/FH.

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