To make commenting on the planning application as easy as possible, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions for Otterpool Park
How can I view the Otterpool Park planning application?
The easiest way for you to view the plans is to visit the Planning Register where you will be able to find further information regarding the Otterpool Park planning application.
View and comment on the planning application - Otterpool Park
If you do not have internet access, you can also view the plans at the Civic Centre between 8.30am and 5pm on weekdays. The plans will be available to view online and in hard copy at the Civic Centre.
As required by regulations, members of the public can download an electronic copy of the Environmental Statement using the link above. However, paper copies can be purchased directly from:
Quod, Ingeni Building, 17 Broadwick Street, London, W1F 0DE on payment of £600 for a paper copy or £7 for a memory stick.
How can I make comments on the planning application?
You can make a comment about this application, which should related to land use considerations.
The application reference number you will need to type in is Y19/0257/FH.
View and comment on the Otterpool Park planning application
For further guidance on making comments on the application please visit
Alternatively, you can email your comments to but you will not be able to track the progress of the application.
Please include the application reference and your name and postal address as we cannot consider anonymous representations. The council is obliged to make any letters/emails of representation on planning related applications available to the public and your name and comments will be viewable online.
Due to the volume of comments expected, an automated acknowledgement will be sent and we will aim to upload comments to the public file on the council's website within two working days of receipt.
It will not be possible to send out any individual notifications relating to matters such as amended or additional information, relevant committee dates or the final decision on the application.
Under the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations 2018, from 25 May 2018 all comments on applications will be held for three years.
How will the local community be consulted?
Local authorities have discretion about how they inform communities and other interested parties about planning applications. However, there are minimum statutory requirements for planning applications involving an Environmental Impact Assessment.
The local planning authority is also notifying by letter all properties within a defined area shown on the map below. In consultation with Ashford Borough Council, we are also directly consulting a number of properties within the neighbouring district.
View the Neighbourhood Notification Area Map (PDF, 4.03MB)
All material relating to the planning application will also be published online to help facilitate engagement with the public on the planning application.
There are a lot of documents, where should I start?
If you look at the planning application you will see that there are a lot of documents.
We recommend that you start with the 'Guide to the Planning Application' and 'Planning & Delivery Statement' which both give an overview of the proposals.
The 'Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary' gives a summary of how the expected environmental impacts would be addressed, and the 'Design & Access Statement' gives the applicant's ideas on how the proposed development could be designed and what it might feel like as a place.
The 'Development Specification' describes what is being applied for.
Why is this planning application for up to 8,500 new homes when I've heard that the new town could be up to 10,000 homes?
This planning application (within the red line) covers most of the land that is allocated for a new settlement in the draft Core Strategy Review (Policy SS6) which will be examined in public by the Planning Inspectorate.
The planning application submitted is for 8,500 homes, but the masterplan takes 10,000 homes into account. It sets the framework for longer-term growth and includes all the land within the proposed site allocation.
When could a decision be made?
This is a large and complex planning application which will take some time for the local planning authority to determine.
Before the local planning authority can issue a decision on the planning application we need to know the outcome of the Planning Inspectorate's Independent Examination in Public into the Core Strategy Review.
Why does the council have two roles in respect of Otterpool Park?
Folkestone & Hythe District Council has two distinct roles in delivering Otterpool Park. Firstly, as a major land owner promoting the project and secondly as the local planning authority responsible for preparing the Local Development Plan and for determining a planning application.
F&HDC also has interests as a landowner in the development of land at Otterpool Park adjoining junction 11 of the M20. As landowner it may take actions that other landowners can do including, but not limited to, making applications for planning permissions.
It has also formed Otterpool Park Limited Liability Partnership ("the LLP") to act as the master developer for the project and as the planning applicant (amongst other roles). The LLP is owned by FHDC and Otterpool Park Development Company Ltd which itself is wholly owned by F&HDC.
We are also the local planning authority that is empowered by law to exercise statutory town planning functions for the district of Folkestone & Hythe. As the local planning authority we are considering all planning matters relating to a proposed new settlement at Otterpool Park so will act in accordance with best practice having proper regard to national planning guidance and policy.
We have published officer and member protocols for Otterpool Park. These protocols are kept under review and seek to ensure that the dual roles of the council do not lead to conflicts of interest and perceptions of unfairness. All material planning considerations will be dealt with on their merits irrespective of the council's land ownership interest.