Parking permit terms and conditions

The main aim of the Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) is to encourage an increased turnover of traffic and protect spaces for residents and businesses.

The CPZ will be enforced by uniformed Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs).

A permit does not guarantee the availability of a parking space.

Motorcycles are allowed to park without a permit in permit-only bays and disabled parking bays are unchanged.

Vehicles displaying a Blue Badge are allowed to park without time limit in permit-only areas, shared use and limited waiting bays without displaying a CPZ permit. Normal exemptions apply on double yellow lines.

Parking places

Parking places are provided in locations where parking is safe and does not obstruct other road users.

There are large signs at the entrances and exits of the Zone to indicate that you are entering a controlled parking area, when these signs are used, the council is not required to mark parking bays on the carriageway but can mark prohibitions of waiting or loading and unloading.

Further information on parking restrictions and Traffic Regulation Orders can be found by visiting the following website.. 

Permit holder bays

Only residents, their visitors and businesses with permits may park in these bays.

Shared use bays

Permit holders may park in these bays; non permit holders must follow the instructions on the signs next to the bay.

Disabled persons parking places

These are only for use by blue badge holders, who display a valid blue badge. Some disabled persons parking places may have a limited waiting time which will be on accompanying signage.

Pay & Display bays

All vehicles must display a valid pay & display ticket or valid parking session paid for via RingGo.

Limited waiting bays

Vehicles may park for the length of time displayed on the signs next to the bay.
Double yellow lines indicate no parking at any time. These apply even when the CPZ is not in operation.


If you own a car or van and plan to park on the street, a permit holder or shared use bay between the specified Controlled Parking Zone times, you will need a permit. You will also need to buy visitor permits if people visit you in a vehicle and you want them to be able to park near your home.

If you do not need to park on the street you will not need a permit.

A parking permit does not give an exemption to park on yellow lines.

Resident parking permit - CPZ Residents Permit (On Street)

If you live permanently within a CPZ, you can apply for up to two permits for that zone. Landlords who live outside the Zone do not qualify for a resident permit. This permit allows the holder to park in a permit holder only area or shared use bay within the specified zone.

A permit does not guarantee the availability of a parking place within the Zone.

Permits are not transferable between vehicles or households. If there are several vehicles in your household, you will need to apply for a Shared Permit.

You are entitled to a Resident parking permit if you live within a Controlled Parking Zone and you own, keep or have sole use of a vehicle.

This vehicle can be a passenger vehicle (car) or a goods vehicle (the overall height of which must not exceed 3.2 metres (10ft 6ins), length less than 5.6 metres (21ft 4ins) and a gross weight not exceeding 7.5 tonnes).

The vehicle must normally be registered to your CPZ address. Proof of residence and vehicle ownership must be provided. If you borrow or share a vehicle you will not normally be entitled to a permit.

If you move from within a CPZ zone, you must advise us to cancel your permit. No refunds will be given. It is illegal to use a parking permit to park in the Zone if you no longer live there.

Business Permits – CPZ Business Permit (On Street)

Businesses based within a CPZ may buy permits for vehicles that are essential for running the business, for example delivery vehicles. They are not issued to get staff to and from work. Businesses are entitled to the same number of permits as vehicles registered to them to meet operational needs.

The vehicle covered by the permit must be registered for business use.

A Business Permit is not a loading permit. Business Permit holders are required to abide by any waiting and loading restrictions that are in operation.

If your business moves from within a CPZ zone, you must surrender your permit. No refunds will be given. It is illegal to use a parking permit to park in the Zone if you no longer have a business there, or you are no longer employed by the business.

Shared permit – CPZ Shared Permit (On Street)

If there are several cars registered at your address you can apply for a Shared permit. You must only park one vehicle at any given time in the Zone during the hours of control.

Special Permits – CPZ Special Permit (On Street)

If you receive regular visits from care or other support service organisations you can apply for a Special Permit. This permit is free. These permits are issued at the discretion of the Council. Your application must be supported by medical or other appropriate evidence. This permit is non-vehicle specific, and the vehicle details must be entered as ‘Variable’ on your application.

Trades Permits

These permits are for traders who need to park within controlled parking zones to carry out their day-to-day business. The permit allows parking in all zones. All applicants must submit a letter on a company headed paper confirming the permit is needed to carry out day-to-day business.

The permit is not valid in on-street Pay & Display only bays, yellow lines, and car parks.

Resident Car Park Permit

Residents who wish to park in our car parks can apply for this permit. This can be used once a day and lets you park for up to three hours in long-stay council car parks, and up to two hours in short-stay council car parks.

Long term car parks

 (3 hours maximum stay)

Short term car parks

 (2 hours maximum stay)

Tram Road - Folkestone

Upper Payers Park - Folkestone

Harbourside - Folkestone

Pleydell Gardens - Folkestone

Lower Sandgate Road West - Folkestone

Foresters Way – Folkestone

Sandgate Road - Folkestone

Shellons Street – Folkestone

Castle Road - Sandgate

Mount Street – Hythe

The Paddocks - Hythe

Church Road – New Romney

Military Road - Hythe


Battery Point - Hythe


Twiss Fort - Hythe


Sea Point - Hythe


West Hythe Car Park - Hythe


Dymchurch Central - Dymchurch


Martello - Dymchurch


High Knocke - Dymchurch


Coast Drive - Littlestone


Jolly Fisherman – Greatstone


West Street – New Romney


Season Tickets

A permit for parking in Folkestone & Hythe District Council owned long stay car parks. The maximum waiting time will not apply for Season Ticket holders.

Resident visitor permits

If you live in a CPZ you may buy resident visitor permits for your friends/relatives to park near your home during the controlled hours, limited to 100 permits a year. You don’t have to have a resident permit to buy visitor permits.

You must register for a RingGo account and then apply to purchase virtual visitor vouchers.

On Street Waivers

On-street waivers are issued to trade vehicles. A waiver allows you to park on double yellow lines, in permit holder or shared use (permit holder and limited waiting) bays for the purpose of working from your vehicle only.  These daily or weekly waivers must be booked for the day and area the trade is working in.

It does not allow you to park in places reserved for specific users, e.g. taxi ranks, bus stops, clearways, disabled bays, Police bays, nor in places where there is a loading/unloading restriction (indicated by yellow kerb markings at the edge of the carriageway).  It is not valid in Pay & Display car parks or on-street Pay & Display bays.  The vehicle must be moved on the instructions of a Police Officer or Civil Enforcement Officer. 

You must register for a RingGo account and then apply to purchase virtual wavier.

On Street Parking permissions for businesses – On Street Parking Permission

All applications for these permits are judged on their own merits and should be submitted on a company headed paper.

This type of permit is suitable for businesses who regularly visit and park at a specific location. For example, window cleaner or carers that visit clients within the district.  They are not for parking at a place of work.

Please note that only Window Cleaners are allowed to park on yellow lines. 

Applying for permits

You must apply for a permit on the Folkestone and Hythe District Council website. Each permit type has a dedicated page where you can apply and make payment for your permit online.

Paper application forms are available upon request. This can be made by post, by calling 01303 853660 or in person by visiting the Civic Centre. Please do not send original supporting documents unless requested by Parking Services.

Your completed application form should be addressed to Parking Services at Folkestone & Hythe District Council, Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone CT20 2QY. Cheques should be made payable to Folkestone & Hythe District Council. Cash payments cannot be accepted.

Applying for a resident parking permit

You must include proof of address and vehicle ownership with your application. If you do not enclose all the relevant documents your application will be returned with a request for the missing documents.

The vehicle evidence required must show your name, address and the vehicle registration number on one document, for example the VQ5 or the insurance schedule as the certificate does not usually show your address.

Accepted residential evidence:

  • A copy of your current Council tax bill or comprehensive tenancy agreement
  • A copy of a recent gas, water, electricity bill or a bank statement in your name.
  • A copy of your pension book, benefit book, housing association rent book or a current television licence
  • A copy of your valid 12 month home or contents insurance document
  • A most recent landline telephone bill
  • A copy of your full drivers licence

Accepted vehicle evidence:

  • A copy of your vehicle registration document, registered to you at your CPZ address
  • Hire / leasing agreement in your name and CPZ address
  • Company vehicles – in this case the applicant must submit a letter on headed paper from their company secretary or a senior company representative confirming that the vehicle is owned/leased by the company and that the employee is the sole keeper or user of the vehicle. You will also need to supply a copy of the vehicle registration document if the company owns the vehicle, or a copy of the hire/lease agreement if the company leases the vehicle.
  • If you have purchased the vehicle in the last 3 months, a copy of a Garage Bill or new Keeper supplement together with a copy of a valid insurance document
  • If you are the owner or hirer, the vehicle registration document or hiring agreement must show your name and the address at which you are applying for a permit.

If you have borrowed or share a vehicle you will not be entitled to a permit unless there are exceptional circumstances.


Individual postal addresses are generally regarded as separate households. Legally divided houses, or flats with self-contained kitchens and bathrooms, are defined as separate households. A group of people using shared facilities or a group of people in a bedsit arrangement is defined as one household.

Applying for a shared permit

If there are several cars registered at your address you can apply for a shared permit. You will need to provide the same evidence as for a Resident Permit.

Applying for a resident visitor permit

You will need to provide proof of residential address; the same documents will be accepted as those quoted above for resident permit.

Applying for a business permit

You must include proof of address and vehicle ownership with your application form, if you do not enclose all the relevant documents your application will be returned with a request for the missing documents.

The documents must show your name and address at which you are applying for a permit.

Accepted business evidence:

  • A copy of your current Folkestone & Hythe District Council, non-domestic rate demand.
  • An official lease agreement in the business name.
  • A copy of a recent gas, water, electricity bill or a bank statement in the business name
  • Certificate of incorporation for limited companies if the registered office is at the address within the CPZ

Accepted vehicle evidence:

  • Vehicle registration document.
  • Copy of hire/leasing agreement in respect of the vehicle showing the name of the company or an employee.
  • If the vehicle is registered to an employee, proof of employment in the form of copies of salary/wage slips or a contract of employment is required, together with a typed letter on headed stationery from the company secretary or a senior representative confirming that the vehicle is necessary for the efficient running of the business. A copy of the vehicle’s insurance certificate showing that the vehicle is insured for business purposes must also be provided.
  • If you have purchased the vehicle in the last 3 months, a copy of a Garage Bill of Sale or New Keeper supplement together with a copy of a valid insurance document.

Applying for an On Street Parking permissions for businesses

All applications for these permits are judged on their own merits and should be submitted on headed paper of the relevant health organisation or care provider. Applications from individual employees are not accepted.

Refunds & Cancellations

The council has the right to cancel any permit. It is your responsibility to supply satisfactory proof of residency & vehicle evidence upon request. If you are unable to provide the required evidence within the time frame specified by the council officer than your permit will be cancelled, and no refunds will be due. 

No refunds are given for any unused periods unless you are returning a Season Ticket then we will calculate the remaining full months of the permit validity.

Fees & Charges

There is an administration charge for replacing a permit if it is lost, stolen or damaged.

If you change your vehicle or your number plate during the validity of your existing permit you must complete an amendment application form online.

You should apply to renew your permit at least 4 weeks in advance of the expiry date of your current permit. You are not entitled to park after the expiry date of your permit.

Type of Permit


CPZ Residents Permit


CPZ Business Permit


CPZ Shared Permit


Trades Permit

6 months - £246.00

1 year - £492.00

CPZ Special Permit


Residents car park permit

3 months - £20.00

1 year - £80.00

Amendment Fee


Resident Visitor Vouchers

£8.00 per set of 5 vouchers

On Street Waiver

Daily - £12.00

Weekly - £36.00

Season Ticket Fees & Charges

Type of Season Ticket

Annual Cost

6 Monthly Cost

3 Monthly Cost

Valid for 7 days




Valid for 6 days




Valid for 5 days




Valid for 4 days




Valid for 3 days




Valid for 2 days




Valid for 1 days




Courtesy vehicles

If you're going to be using a courtesy car for less than a week, please email with the vehicle registration and your permit number so we can arrange a temporary permit for free. If you're going to be using a courtesy car for longer than a week then you will need to complete the permit amendment form. If your vehicle is returned from repair, then you will need to complete another amendment form to update your permit again.