What is a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ)?

  • A Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) is an area where all on-street parking is controlled by yellow lines or designated parking spaces.
  • CPZs ease congestion caused by illegal and obstructive parking by introducing waiting restrictions (yellow lines) where parking is undesirable.
  • CPZs give priority to residents, the local community, and their visitors during operational hours.
  • Outside the hours of operation parking remains unrestricted, unless otherwise stated.
  • Double yellow lines prohibit parking at any time regardless of the CPZ.
  • A permit for one CPZ does not allow the holder to park in any other CPZ.
  • CPZ does not guarantee you space outside your house.
  • Residents must purchase parking permits and visitor vouchers for their visitors, should they wish to park or enable their visitors to park during the hours of operation of the zone.

How do CPZs work?

Different types of spaces are provided for specific groups of motorists. In this instance, two types are being considered:

  • Permit Holders – for residents of the roads in the area and their visitors, and businesses that require a vehicle for business use.
  • Shared use - these may be considered in some roads to allow free limited waiting for non-permit holders, who may require access to local businesses. They are a combination of permit holders, and free limited waiting (usually 1 or 2 hours) spaces.

Any vehicles parked illegally are liable to receive a Penalty Charge Notice, issued by uniformed civil enforcement officers.

Controlled parking zone permit charge - from 1St April 2024

Type of Permit


Resident permit

£42 per year

Additional resident permit

£42 per year

Shared resident permit

£42 per year

Business permit

£80 per year

Replacement permit


Special permit (health and care workers) 


Resident visitor permits (maximum £100 permits year

£8.00 per 5 sessions

How do the permits work?

If you own a car or van and plan to park on the street during the operational hours of the zone, you will need a permit. Similarly, you will need to buy visitor permits online if people visit you by car and you want them to be able to park in a parking space near your home. If you do not need to park on-street, you will not need a permit.

Resident Permits - Permits will be issued only to residents whose vehicles are registered at the address within the proposed zone. Residents will be entitled to up to two permits per household.

Resident Visitor Permits - Residents can buy visitor permits for their visitors online. It is not necessary to hold a resident permit to buy visitor permits. The number of visitor permits residents can buy is limited to 100 a year to prevent abuse such as sales to non-residents. This number can be increased in exceptional circumstances.

Business Permits - Businesses based within the CPZ may purchase permits for vehicles essential to the operation of the business e.g. delivery vehicles. They will not be issued to commute to work.

Health and Care Workers Permits - Residents can apply for a Special Permit if they receive regular visits from care or other support service organisations, such as home help or carers. This permit is free.

Trades person permits - Builders and other tradespersons can use residents’ visitor permits to park vehicles close to their client's homes while work is being carried out. Tradesmen can also buy parking waivers or an annual trade permit directly from the council.

Shared Permit - If you have off-street parking for one vehicle, and your household/business has more than one vehicle, it may be possible to be issued with a shared permit. The permit will cover the registration numbers of the vehicles but will allow only one vehicle to park on-street at any one time during the hours of control.

Special parking groups

Disabled Badge Holders (blue badge holders) – Any vehicle displaying a valid Disabled Badge will be able to park without a permit:

  • In any permit or shared use bays within the zone
  • On yellow lines without loading restrictions for a maximum of three hours, provided they are not causing an obstruction.
  • In any disabled bay

Frequently asked questions

Q. Why must I buy a permit to park on my road?

A. The new parking scheme will make it easier for you to park.  The scheme must cover its costs through the sale of permits as mandated by law.

Q. I pay Council Tax and road tax, why do I have to pay for a parking permit?

A. Council tax and road tax fund widespread services like education and social services, while controlled parking schemes are limited to specific areas and must cover their costs through permit sales.

Q. I am a business owner, are my staff allowed a business parking permit?

A. The business permit is intended to facilitate parking for rate-paying business owners who need a vehicle for their operations, not to subsidize parking for employees.

Q. Will owning a parking permit guarantee me space outside my home?

A. Controlled parking schemes cannot reserve specific spaces for individuals, they increase the likelihood of residents finding parking near their homes by preventing long-stay parking by non-residents.

Q. Will the scheme make it easier to park at night?

A.  Nighttime issues stem from households with multiple vehicles in areas with limited off-street parking. Establishing a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) will reduce commuter and long-term parking, freeing up more spaces for residents and businesses during operational hours.

Q. I have a crossover (driveway crossing the pavement) and park over it. Will I still be able to do this?

A. Yes.  Unlike some councils, Folkestone & Hythe schemes are designed so that you can continue to do so with a valid parking permit.

Q. Can my visitors park in the controlled parking zone?

A. You can buy resident visitor permits online to enable your visitors to park in the ‘permit holders only’ or ‘shared use’ spaces. Visitors will also be able to park without a permit in ‘shared use’ bays for up to the maximum period indicated on the signs.

Q. What about tradesmen, engineers or builders working at my home?

A. A maintenance engineer or builder undertaking a call can use a resident visitor permit to park in ‘permit holders only’ or ‘shared use’ space. Special arrangements may be possible when long-term building works are being undertaken.

Q. What about deliveries?

A. Provided no obstruction is caused, legitimate delivery vehicles will be able to park without a permit for as long as necessary in permit spaces or on yellow lines while loading or unloading provided there are no loading restrictions at that location.

Q. We don’t have a parking problem so why include my road?

A. If we introduced a parking scheme to a busy road, many people would park further out, perhaps on your road, if they could park there for free. It may be in your interest to be part of the zone, this is a matter for you to consider.

Q. Yellow lines give us less room to park.  Why have them?

A. We will only install yellow lines where parked vehicles would cause danger or obstruct other motorists or pedestrians using the highway. We put yellow lines only where they are necessary.

Q. Do we have to have signs, posts, and lines?

A. To enforce a CPZ road markings and signs must be installed on some roads. However, we are very conscious of the appearance of the street scene, so we try to keep signage to an absolute minimum and locate signs in places that minimise the visual impact from properties.

Q. What about outside the hours of operation?

A. Outside the operational hours of the zone, no restrictions apply and parking in permit areas is not controlled or restricted. Single yellow line controls so you may park your vehicle on them subject to the Highway Code. The only exception is where double yellow lines exist, which prevent parking at all times.

Q. I run a business or medical practice. Can my clients/patients park in the CPZ?

A. There are different restriction options available to accommodate businesses, medical practices, etc. such as free limited waiting