Making a planning application

Other planning considerations

Using our pre-application advice service will help you identify if you need to provide any additional information to support your application

Planning permission in flood risk areas

Flood risk assessments

You may need to provide a flood risk assessment with your application if you're planning to build in an area where there is danger of flooding.

Find out if your development is in a flood risk area

Use the Environment Agency flood map for planning applications. This will tell you whether you need to conduct a flood risk assessment and provide it with your planning application.

You can also find more information and maps assessing the flood risk in the district 

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment files 

Carrying out a flood risk assessment

GOV.UK provides comprehensive guidance on how to carry out a flood risk assessment.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

An EIA considers the environmental effects of a development

The aim of an EIA is to protect the environment by ensuring that when deciding whether to grant planning permission (which is likely to have significant effects on the environment) we do so in the full knowledge of the likely significant effects and take these into account in the decision making process.

GOV.UK provides comprehensive guidance on Environmental Impact Assessment

Will I need an EIA?

We'll let you know after reviewing your application if an EIA is required.

Conservation and heritage

Additional constraints on developments apply if you're undertaking a project:

  • in a conservation area (including an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB))
  • to a tree under a tree preservation order (TPO) or in a conservation area
  • to a listed building

Are there any other consents I may require?

The Planning Portal provides a full list of other permissions you may need.