Folkestone & Hythe Heritage Strategy Consultation

The Folkestone & Hythe District Heritage Strategy was commissioned by the Folkestone and Hythe District Council to ensure that the heritage of the district plays a clear and positive role in its future.  This Strategy has now been revised and updated to take account of changes in legislation, and to ensure that it is deliverable and reflects current needs.

While the primary purpose of the Strategy is to address local planning needs, it has been written to address much more than that, promoting the substantial benefits and real value that conservation of the historic environment and heritage assets, their recognition and use can bring to the district.

Your opinion matters

The original strategy was developed through community consultation events. These helped to influence the development of a set of historic themes that reflect significant elements the of the historic character of the district. As consultation has been key to the development of the Strategy, the Council is now seeking your views on the new updated Strategy. 

The Strategy in its revised form will be open for comment between 24 February 2025 and 24 March 2025.  Please note this period has been extended and the consultation shall now close Monday 7 April.

The Strategy sets out four key objectives and nine priorities.  The Council would very much welcome your opinion on which of these you feel are most important and whether there are any others that we have not considered that you would like to see included.

Making comments is easy, just follow the main link below to the heritage strategy. There are nine sections within the Strategy, at the end of each section there is a box for comments. There is an additional box at the end of section 9 for any other comments, which you feel don’t directly relate to the content of the nine sections. You will be prompted to sign up for an account for the consultation platform. You can then just type in your thoughts and then submit, it’s as simple as that.

Heritage Strategy Consultation

The consultation platform is managed by Urban Intelligence, contracted as the council’s external consultants. By submitting your personal data in the consultation response form you are consenting to Urban Intelligence to controlling your personal data.

Read the Urban Intelligence’s Privacy Policy and their Cookies policy.

The Council considers data protection to be of upmost importance and the council will never share personal data with an unapproved third party without the express consent of the individual.

Should you have any queries the council's Data Protection Officer can be contacted by email at, or at the address below.

The original detailed theme papers will be retained on the website alongside the Strategy for reference and background information.

Next steps

After the close of the consultation period there will be further four week period during which time the Council will assess the comments that have been made.

The Council will then organise a workshop to discuss the revised strategy and the outcomes that have been identified during the consultation event. The date for this has yet to be decided, but if you are interested in attending, please let us know. The email address is at the end of this section.

Once the content has been finalised the document will be formatted with illustrations and photographs added. The completed heritage strategy will then be available to view on the Council’s website.

If you have any queries, please email the Strategy & Policy team