Infrastructure funding statement

The Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) is a factual report which summarises the amount of developer contributions obtained, allocated and spent in the previous financial year.

This new annual reporting requirement was introduced as part of the recently amended CIL regulations in 2019 (CIL Regulations: Schedule 2), with the objective of increasing transparency around how developer contributions are spent on Infrastructure.

As set out in Schedule 2, the contents of this report are divided into three key sections for the previous financial year:

  1. Information on CIL contributions
  2. Information on Section 106 Contributions
  3. Items of infrastructure that CIL is to be spent on in the next five years (According to the Council's Capital Programme at the end of the previous financial year).

The introduction of this Infrastructure Funding Statement now means that monitoring around CIL and S106 contributions will now be found in the IFS instead of the Annual Monitoring Report (AMR).

Infrastructure Funding Statement 2023

Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022 

Infrastructure Funding Statement 2021 

Infrastructure Funding Statement 2020 (adopted)

It is recommended that local authorities also publish the raw data that informed the Infrastructure Funding Statement. The corresponding spreadsheets are presented below.

At the current time, only one (of three) spreadsheets is available for viewing. The outstanding two spreadsheets will be uploaded in early 2021. More information on the publication of developer contributions data.

Infrastructure Funding Statement raw data (CSV, 278KB)