Making a planning pre-application

Planning pre-application advice fees

Fees information for pre-application advice, payable when submitting your request online.  Meetings will be at the discretion of the Service and will depend on the availability of staff.

Pre-application advice cost from 1st April 2024 - 2025

Type of application Written (Including VAT) Written + 1 hour Meeting (including VAT)

Includes non-commercial equestrian, external alterations to domestic buildings, listed buildings, advertisement

£160 -
1-4 dwellings Includes holiday lets, replacement dwellings £430 £700
1-4 dwellings follow up advice

This additional fee is applicable only if you require a formal review.  It is not chargeable for matters of clarification

£215 £380
5-9 dwellings £755 £1080
5-9 dwellings follow up advice

This additional fee is applicable only if you require a formal review.  It is not chargeable for matters of clarification

£380 £645
10-49 dwellings - £3235
10-49 dwellings follow up

This additional fee is applicable only if you require a formal review.  It is not chargeable for matters of clarification

£540 £1295
50+ dwellings - £5395
50+ dwellings follow up

This additional fee is applicable only if you require a formal review.  It is not chargeable for matters of clarification

£1080 £2700
Planning Performance Agreement Bespoke due to nature and scale of development  
Non-Domestic External alterations requiring planning permission - all uses £430  
Commercial initial 30min meeting no written advice - Free
Commercial up to 250m² (inc advertisements)  £190 £345
Commercial up to 500m² £325 £540
Commercial up to 1000m² - £1295
Commercial over 1000m²   £1295+£500 per 500m²
Follow up advice 

This additional fee is applicable only if you require a formal review.  It is not chargeable for matters of clarification

£430 £645
Listed building advice £235 £380
Work to trees - £380
All other operations and change of use - £755
Highways Kent Highways  
Surface water/suds  KCC Coastal/River  
Flooding/water quality Environment Agency  Pre-application enquiry form  

For schemes of 10 dwellings and above you will need to provide the following:

  • Written details of the address and proposal
  • Description of the nature and scale of the development proposed and the uses to which land and buildings are to be put 
  • Site location plan with the site clearly marked (to a recognised scale, north point etc) 
  • Sketch drawings providing details of the proposal (to a recognised scale) 
  • Photographs of the site and surrounding area, with particular regard to any nearby houses or other development which might be affected by your proposal 
  • Contact details including phone number and email address 
  • An initial design and access statement 
  • Access and parking arrangements 
  • This may also need to be accompanied by ecological, landscape, contamination, flood and transport assessments depending upon the location, nature and complexity of the development

Sale of  documents

Type of document Cost
Sale of miscellaneous documents - Planning Policy  Variable
Sale of miscellaneous documents - Development Management  Variable
Charging for monitoring legal agreements Variable


For the following developments, pre-application advice is free:

  • alterations and extensions to a home for the benefit of a registered disabled person
  • registered charities undertaking charitable endeavours
  • parish and county councils (excluding private housing proposals)