Leadership team

Details of our senior leadership team and the areas they oversee.

Chief Executive 

Dr Susan Priest

An image of the chief executive of our leadership team within the council, Susan Priest.

As Chief Executive, Susan has overall responsibility for the delivery of our services.

Susan oversees all staff and works closely with councillors to provide leadership and strategic direction.

In addition, Susan also carries out the role of Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer.


Strategy and Resources - Ewan Green 

An image of our director of place within our leadership team, Ewan Green.

Ewan leads on:

  • Legal                                                                                                                            
  • Democratic Services and Elections
  • Strategy and Policy
  • Governance, Performance and Risk
  • Building Control 
  • Development Management 
  • Customer Services 
  • Human Resources
  • Communication and Engagement
  • Waste and Street Cleansing/Waste Partnership

Housing and Operations - Andy Blaszkowicz

An image of the director of housing and operations in our leadership team within the council, Andy Blaszkowicz.

Andy leads on:

  • Transportation 
  • Grounds Maintenance
  • Lifeline
  • Estates and Assets
  • Engineering and Technical Services
  • Housing Landlord Functions
  • Housing Strategy and Needs
  • Strategic Development
  • Environmental Enforcement and Protection
  • Environmental Health and Licensing
  • Community Partnerships
  • Hythe Pool
  • Regeneration

Interim Governance and Finance - Lydia Morrison

A headshot of the Interim Director of Corporate Services Lydia Morrison

Lydia leads on:

  • Finances 
  • Corporate Debt
  • Council Tax, Welfare and Benefits
  • Digital and ICT Services
  • Procurement and Corporate Contracts