Search results

You searched for "animal". Results 61 - 70 of about 564

  • Untitled

    parents take their children to watch the stars, night animals and night animals? These leisure activities are available to all free of any charges, unlike ...

  • Shepway District Council Stray Dog Policy

    ... animal until they have ... Once transferred to the licensed kennels or re-homed to a new owner, the former owner of a stray dog has no legal claim for the return ...

  • Fresh water and waste water

    is the treatment equipment well maintained and serviced regularly? Protect your supply at source. fence off land next to surface water to keep animals out ...

  • Community Safety Update and Events

    Oct 1, 2023 ... from the RSPCA who has worked with the officers regarding animal related matters had a stand at Bouverie Place in Folkestone. The officers ...

  • LAA/6/B

    1994) and a senior lecturer in Animal Conservation Science at the Centre for Wildlife Conservation,. University of Cumbria. I have a B.Sc. (hons) in Zoology ...