How to request information held by us under the Freedom of Information Act or the Environmental Information Regulations .
How you can make a request for information?
Information access laws give you the right to request any existing recorded information that is held by the Council. The main laws that help you do this are the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. There are different rules that enable you to access your own personal data.
To make an information request, all you need to do is provide your name, tell us in writing what information you would like to receive, and where it should be sent. You do not need to say which law you are requesting the information under in order to benefit from the rights they entitle you to.
Make a request
There are a number of straightforward ways you can make your request, including:
Make a request using MyAccount
- click on the request button below, log into your MyAccount (or create an account if you don't already have one). If you are already logged into your MyAccount the form will automatically open
- MyAccount is an easier and quicker way to interact with us and is available 24/7
Make a request using MyAccount
Make a request without creating a MyAccount
- Click on the make a request button below and complete the online form
Alternatively you can make a request
- on WhatDoTheyKnow, a privately run website operated by the charity MySociety. The website is not affiliated with the Council or government
- by post to the Council's Civic Centre
- by email to the Information Governance team
What happens next?
Once we receive your request, you will receive an acknowledgement with a case reference number. If there are any problems with interpreting your request - possibly because the wording is unclear, or there are multiple ways it could be interpreted - we will contact you for clarification.
We aim to respond to all valid information requests within 20 working days of receiving them. In some circumstances this may not be possible, and we will notify you if this is the case. If we are unable to respond in time, we may sometimes need to issue an extension notice which will add up to an additional 20 working days.
If it is not possible to provide you with all of the information you have requested because some of it is exempt, we will explain why this is the case in a refusal notice. You have the right to challenge how any of your requests have been handled, and can ask for an internal review simply by explaining why you are unhappy with the outcome.
Are there any charges for requests?
While there are no charges to make a request for information, we may charge for 'disbursement costs' where necessary.
These are costs such as photocopying, printing and postage if you have specifically asked for documents in a hardcopy format.
You are entitled to ask for information to be sent to you in whatever reasonable format you prefer. Despite this, there will never be a charge for sending electronic documents.
If you have special access needs that mean email or online access is not suitable, please contact the team and we will be happy to arrange an alternative for you.
Other Information
- Publication scheme: information we routinely makes available
- Oportunitas Ltd: a housing and rental company committed to supporting growth in the district. As a company wholly owned by us, information requests can be submitted directly to them through the contact details on their website
- Otterpool Park LLC: the delivery vehicle for the Otterpool Park development project. As a company wholly owned by us, information requests can be submitted directly to them through the contact details on their website.