Councillor's allowances


The council pays allowances to its councillors to support their work as members of the local authority.

Each council sets its own rates for allowances, however the rate is decided with the help of our Independent Remuneration Panel which reviews allowances and makes recommendations to the council.

All councillors receive a basic annual allowance and those with particular roles in the authority also receive special responsibility allowances.

Councillors can also claim certain expenses such as the costs of travelling to meetings on official council business.

From 2018/19 the list of members allowances and expenses will be published solely on an annual basis in accordance with the Local Authorities (Members Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003.  The quarterly information previously provided will be incorporated in this document.

Current allowances scheme

Download the current councillors' allowances scheme for details of allowances and expenses payable.

Members' allowances

View the annual reports up to 2024

View the quarterly reports 2017-2018

View the quarterly reports 2016-2017

View the quarterly reports 2015-2016