District food network

Food resources in the district

Food resources in the Folkestone and District area (July 2024)

Since the Covid-19 pandemic and the rise in the cost of living, there has been an increase in those at risk of food poverty. Voluntary organisations and community enterprises, along with Folkestone & Hythe District Council (F&HDC) and other statutory bodies, have worked together to try and support those in most need.

Folkestone and Hythe District Food Network (DFN)

The food network was set up in 2021 to find out the need for and the provision of food services across the district

It is open to all organisations and community groups that provide food services and enables information and expertise to be shared and communicated.

Many of the community projects are focused on reducing food waste and keeping supply chains local rather than specifically addressing food poverty. But by increasing access to affordable, fresh food they complement the work of the better-known, larger voluntary organisations and statutory agencies.

The following information is from the network’s full report of Resources in the district (PDF, 577KB).