Corporate Plan

Improving people's health

Improving people's health, wellbeing and sense of community.

Guiding principles

  • Celebrating diversity
  • Welcoming everyone and removing barriers to services
  • Promoting community engagement, activity and creativity
  • Supporting improvements to people’s health, wellbeing and safety
  • Supporting walking, cycling and public transport

We will

  • Work with partners to improve people’s health, wellbeing and safety and target a reduction in anti-social behaviour.
  • Work with partners and local groups to provide support for residents, while aiming to reduce the reliance on food banks to meet people’s basic needs.
  • Through partnership working encourage people to lead more active lives by promoting and improving access to current and new sports and leisure facilities for the district.
  • Promote walking and cycling, bus and rail services and other green transport measures to reduce carbon emissions from travel and connect people with work, services and leisure.
  • Work with voluntary organisations to bring people together, celebrate our diversity and enable residents to play an active role in their communities.
  • Engage with local groups to promote the district’s artistic, cultural, historic and tourist attractions and celebrate our special character, heritage and creativity.

Sustainable Development Goals

  • No poverty
  • Zero hunger
  • Good health and well being
  • Gender equality
  • Reduced inequalities
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Partnerships for the goals
no poverty Zero hunger 2 - Corporate plan Good health and well being 3 Gender equality 5 Reduced inequalities 10 Sustainable cities and communities 11 Partnerships for the goals 17