Growing the economy
Growing the economy in a sustainable way and creating opportunities for all
Guiding principles
- Supporting innovation
- Providing new infrastructure
- Reducing inequality
- Helping to build the green economy
- Investing in our towns and villages
We will
- Work in partnership to promote the district as a location for green technologies, high-tech, creative and tourist enterprises.
- Support clean methods of generating energy that respect our protected landscapes and habitats.
- Engage with small local businesses to promote opportunities to benefit from council contracts.
- Support projects that encourage people to spend locally.
- Support food production and land management initiatives that benefit the natural environment and the local economy.
- Promote apprenticeships, training and job opportunities - particularly in growing industries that will help deliver a sustainable future.
- Invest in Folkestone town centre through the - A Brighter Future project and encourage investment across the district, for example by building on the success of the Romney Marsh Business Hub.
Sustainable Development Goals
- Quality education
- Affordable and clean energy
- Decent work and economic growth
- Industry, innovation and infrastructure
- Reduced inequalities
- Sustainable cities and communities