Environmental enforcement newsletter - January 2025


Welcome to our first Environmental Enforcement newsletter, we want to give you an insight into the type of work that we carry out across the district.

As a team we tackle Environmental crime, patrolling the district to make sure that the local environment is protected and support and engage with our community. We are on the look out for things like graffiti, littering, dog-fouling and fly-tipping and we then deal with people committing these offences.

We handle breaches of the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPOs), including dog fouling, dogs in restricted areas, anti-social behaviour and unauthorised encampments. We also enforce the Health Act, which encompasses smoking in commercial vehicles and the failure to display no-smoking signs in multi-use commercial vehicles.

Our Environmental Protection team tackles fly-tipping, contaminated land, pest control, statutory nuisance including, noise, light, smoke and dust offences, drainage investigation and pollution control and large scale fly-tipping.

We are out and about in the district supporting the protection of the environment.

Get in touch

There are several ways you can do this:

Create a MyAccount

Use our LiveChat service on our website open from Monday - Friday 10am to 5pm

Email: environmental.services@folkestone-hythe.gov.uk

Phone: 01303 853660 Monday - Friday 10am to 5pm