Environmental enforcement newsletter - January 2025

Waging the war on dog fouling - The Warren campaign

Due to the amount of dog faeces found at The Warren, officers have targeted the area to tackle the problem by installing additional signage, increasing patrols and engaging with dog walkers and visitors.

To prevent any visitors to The Warren from standing in dog fouling, officers are spraying eco-friendly chalk paint around it. Dog walkers have been very supportive of this and expressed their concerns and disgust about irresponsible dog walkers in the community.

Work is being continued with regular patrols and we have been logging the number of incidents and it appears that the numbers are reducing which is really positive.

Recently five dog walkers have been issued £100 Fixed Penalty Notices for not clearing up after their dogs, one was prosecuted in the magistrates court. There is no excuse for this behaviour and the council will take a hard line with anybody found doing this.

We want to hear from you. If you see anybody allowing their dog to foul and walk away, or bagging it up and throwing the bag away, or hanging it on a tree instead of correctly putting it any bin.

Please help to support your fellow community members by responsibly always picking up after your dog.  If you see any dog fouling that requires removal or you need to notify our enforcement officers, please contact us

Contact details can be found on the first page of this newsletter