Latest news

  • Don't let your garden go to waste

    Residents looking to dispose of their grass cuttings, leaves and perished flowers can now apply for or renew the garden waste service.

    Published: 18 March 2024

    An image of a garden waste brown lidded bin
  • A flying start for Folkestone's future

    The Folkestone – A Brighter Future project is gathering momentum with more than 500 people attending last week’s engagement events and preliminary grounds investigations due to begin later this month.

    Published: 14 March 2024

    An adult and children wear white virtual reality headsets at an engagement event
  • Folkestone landslips update

    Following recent landslips in Folkestone, the council is investigating what work is necessary to try and reduce further slippages.

    Published: 8 March 2024

    Landslip earth and tree debris on the bank below The Vinery in Folkestone.
  • General election voting changes

    Residents living in two of the district’s thirteen wards will be voting for a member of the Ashford Parliamentary constituency at the next general election.

    Published: 27 February 2024

    A graphic of a ballot box on a purple background
  • Update on Road of Remembrance

    Work to stabilise the district council-owned land above Folkestone’s Road of Remembrance has been completed.

    Published: 26 February 2024

    The top of Road of Remembrance with vegetation cleared from bank and properties behind.
  • Experience the future of Folkestone

    Another exciting virtual reality ride is in store for visitors to public engagement events on Friday 8 March and Saturday 9 March at Folkestone Town Hall.

    Published: 26 February 2024

    An image of the former Folkestone bus station area visualisation